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2009-4-17 20:44:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
【原文】$ |5 x' @7 }  |, t% {0 _
How often to breed your Bitch
" l. f/ U! H' k$ N5 b! T3 R
( ^5 q0 N- e: ~/ E5 c$ K$ }) CJennifer Krawsczyn6 P" R: A- y9 ]% }! F
1 K5 J: R# N) h. B3 x1 y, h& |3 S
The experts all seem to agree that the least healthy approach for a breeding bitch is to skip heat cycles and keep the bitch unbred. This is not only Dr. Hutchinson's philosophy as Dr. Threlfall at Ohio State Univ. teaches the same thing (my husband just attended a Cont. Ed seminar on Canine Repro earlier this year at OSU). This is NOT new information, either. I was reading Dr. Billinghurst's book GROW YOUR PUP WITH BONES, which addresses the health of puppies as well as their parents and reproductive issues. This is not a new book (maybe 10 years old?). He states the same thing. Canines are meant to be pregnant on every heat cycle/ P/ e1 _$ f) y- W: C/ V
2 p+ v6 d5 M- h4 z; {2 r
As Dr. Hutchinson explains it in his seminars, the hormones are the same and the bitch goes through the same changes whether they are bred or not. So when the hormones 'do their thing' to a uterus that does not have pups, it is "hammered" (his term) by the hormones and causes aging and thickening which makes the uterine lining less conducive to implantation and more prone to infection over time. The recommendation it to breed them young, breed on every heat cycle until you are done, then spay them. THAT is the healthiest scenario for your breeding bitch. While Dr. Threlfall and Dr. Hutchinson don't see eye to eye on some issues, this one they completely agree on. I have to wonder if anyone has found a vet knowledgable on repro issues who states otherwise.
; J- r) C" R* ?* |5 O( F1 M: \  B& u  l- ~
Yet there are still people who refuse to believe this advice. I have often wondered about the practice of condemning back-to-back breedings. I wonder if it stems from the way bitches blow their coat post weaning which may lead people to feel the bitch is not recovering well. I know that our girls blow their coat at the same time they would after being in heat (about 4 months) whether bred or not, but the post puppy coat loss is usually more. I suspect that this appearance made people believe that the bitch was completely run down and it "was hard on her" having the pups.
2 p. ^$ M9 `  f6 O0 o6 Z
+ U0 S: b7 m5 H* `& ]6 VUnfortunately, in our current PC environment, we want to suggest that people who breed more than one litter every several years are simply money hungry puppy mills and some of us are quick to condemn their practices based on this mentality. So if someone follows the EXPERTS advice concerning their dogs, the self appointed Ethics Police talk poorly of them ignoring the fact that what they are doing is biologically in the BEST interest of their dogs.
: r& d+ \/ X8 v. O" v. ]& w' m3 v2 O  s- r" ^1 u
I think many people want to act like dogs are little people in fur coats., U& d9 V% H. d' Z+ Y- i' T% w

( r6 E- o7 M9 I- e/ ?7 zThey want to suggest that what we may feel is how a dog feels. While I wouldn’t personally want to have a new child every year, I do believe that my dogs have always adored having puppies. Granted, there are certainly reasons why some bitches should probably not be bred again. Some are poor mothers. Some don't produce much milk. Some can't whelp or conceive w/o veterinary intervention. But the bottom line is that in a healthy normal bitch, breeding every heat cycle for as many litters as you want from that bitch, then spaying her, is the most healthy way to go. And that is from the people who are qualified to say so. - y% v# y2 c7 K8 r5 `; J2 M
! o; b$ U* m% R, g  x; I
You know, cattle are kept pregnant every year starting when they would "freshen" (have their calf) at 2 years of age. They breed them until they won't breed anymore. If a cow is "open" (not pregnant), the farmer either tries to get her bred or sells her because wintering an open cow is a big money loser. Yes, it is certainly a business having calves (no one denies that), but the cattle certainly seem fine being pregnant all but three months of the year and well into their teen years. Just as an aside, cows/heifers start having calves at 2 years of age (earlier and they aren't fully grown so often can't calve on their own). They are bred back EVERY year. I know cattle is a money business and many of the Doggy PC Police want to say that breeding more than a few litters a year is only out of greed, but cattle NEVER get a break and apparently have no ill effects as a result. Also, dairy cows won't have milk unless they are bred back each year. But my point is that this does not seem to effect their health in a bad way at all and has been the way cattle have been kept for many many decades. If you tried to tell them that it is too hard on the cow to be pregnant every year, they would think you were a COMPLETE idiot!
" A$ p3 o7 H& t5 T7 S0 y
/ _/ @8 y8 m" r1 ^" gThe bottom line is that if you are a breeder… well, you breed! Perhaps it is time for some of us to rethink our beliefs that dogs should get a break between heat cycles for their health because under normal circumstances, this is simply not true
% L- G; A% p9 f, c1 T
' ?5 E. x( c- ~$ O- v/ R0 W+ Y【译文】! |2 C! N( t+ j' [# y5 v; z
母犬繁殖频率. I: U9 i3 P* T# F' a* l. n
作者Jennifer Krawsczyn+ x0 Y9 ^6 j3 Q8 ]  r4 z" ?% o

! }( a0 p5 N9 x% N* }母犬繁殖频率,作者Jennifer Krawsczyn 几乎所有专家都认同跳过热循环周期、避免怀孕的方法有助于保持母犬的健康。这可不仅仅是Hutchinson博士的理论,俄亥俄州立大学的Threlfall博士也在宣扬这番言论(我丈夫正好在那里参加一个犬类讲座)。其实这个理论早就有人提过。我当时正在研读Billinghurst博士写的“增加幼犬骨量”一书,这本书是讨论关于幼犬及其父母健康以及繁殖问题的。这本书早就出版了(可能已经有10年历史了?)。作者也提出了同样的观点,犬类每逢热循环周期就应该开始配种。
3 G! i7 B+ a4 W' @' P. L, Z  E$ t根据Hutchinson博士在研讨会上的解释,无论母犬怀孕与否,只要荷尔蒙含量保持一致,母犬就会经历与未怀孕时一样的变化。因此当荷尔蒙对未怀有幼犬的子宫产生影响之时,子宫就要经受荷尔蒙一次又一次的“捶打”(他的术语)致使子宫内壁变薄老化,长此以往,子宫内部坏境就会变得不利于受孕并且很容易受到感染。专家给出的建议就是趁她们还比较年轻的时候赶紧配种,利用每一次热循环周期直到你认为可以停止时再母犬切除卵巢。这才是保证母犬健康的最佳方法。Threlfall博士和Hutchinson博士在其他问题上意见经常不和,不过在这个问题上他们两人的意见却很一致。我不得不怀疑在育种问题上是否有人能够找出一个权威兽医持有相左意见。
1 Z" U; C8 J/ k0 A9 h% l* [& k5 ~. p2 @" n
不过还是有人不相信这种理论。人们对于频繁配种的斥责习惯常常令我乍舌。我猜想母狗在生产的时候不断喘着粗气的样子可能让大家觉得她没能恢复过来。其实我知道母狗无论怀孕与否都会在热循环周期的时候(约四个月)有这种行为。当然在生小狗的时候可能会更加频繁。我想可能是因为这样才让人们产生了这条母狗被压垮了、生小狗把她折磨得不成样子的错觉。$ C5 e6 ]# C# J  u5 B) ]" ?

, U! b3 g( V' b% J$ [然而不幸的是,现在我们周围的氛围并不乐观。一旦谁每隔几年多生几窝小狗就会有人跳出来指责这种行为。所以假设有人能够遵照那些专家的建议去做,他内心的道德准则也会告诉自己这么做对狗很残忍,而忽略其实在生物学上这么做才能使他的狗最为受益。
1 z" `4 H4 J  |# X6 N+ \
1 ], n5 V. C- g我认为很多人都愿意将狗想象成是披着毛皮的小孩。那些人觉得他们的所感所受就是狗的感受。尽管我个人并不想每年都生一个宝宝,而我坚信狗很喜欢生育后代。诚然,某些母狗并不适合再度生育,她们有些缺少母性、有些出奶不够、还有些不能怀孕。不过对于那些正常的母犬来说,最为健康的方式就是不要错过任何一次热循环周期的机会配种,使之生下足够的幼犬再对其切除卵巢。这也正是那些专业人士的意见。
4 z' U1 [" W- t- `# O/ V' T) e+ H2 Q6 v9 w
大家都知道,为保持牛的“新鲜”,牛从2岁的时候就开始繁育后代,一直到不能再生育。农夫会想尽办法让母牛怀孕或是设法出售,因为照料一头母牛需要花费大量金钱。是的,繁殖牛群是一笔大买卖(没有人可以否认),一年当中除去三个月的时间直到老去,牛都可以不断繁殖。正如之前提到的那样,公牛/母牛可以从两岁开始繁殖后代(再早一点的话会由于发育不成熟而无法分娩)。牛每年都会配种。据我所知繁殖牛群是项买卖,而我们犬界的管理者们却认为每年多繁殖几窝小狗的根本目的是出于贪婪。然而牛却在永不停歇地繁殖着,而且也没对它们造成什么不良影响。另外,奶牛不每年配种就根本不可能产奶。我想阐述的是,每年配种繁殖没有对牛群产生任何不良作用,而且牛群这种繁殖方式也已经延续了许多年。要是你尝试着告诉大家让牛群每年配种繁殖实在是太刻薄牛了,所有人都会觉得你是个大傻瓜!3 i3 F3 [. P4 M7 a" ]: v
6 z5 C9 Y- ^# M/ K, ^+ ]
如果你是一个犬类繁殖者,那么就去做你该做的事情吧!对我们中的某些人来说,也许是时候重新思考一下犬只在两个热循环周期之间必须休整以保持犬只健康的信条了,因为在一般情况下,这种观点是错误的。) e4 R* X7 y+ b
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